Ministry of Margaret Nelson
Uganda, Africa
November 2, 2005
SEVO Seminar
On Monday we went to the airport in Entebbe and picked up 3
visitors from Seattle, WA. Greg Matthews, EMT, has returned for
his 3rd trip in just over 2 years to further the training of Ugandan
trainers for our Samaritan Emergency Volunteer Organization
(SEVO). With him have come 2 paramedics, Mike Rocha and
Phil Pierson who will complete this teaching team, working with
us in the Luweero area for the next 10 days. The three men were
also warmly welcomed by about 10 SEVO members who
traveled to Entebbe with handmade posters and big hugs. SEVO
members began arriving from far points of Uganda on
There are always a number of things that we must do with
newly arrived visitors, which involves spending most of the day in
Kampala. We must buy bottled water for them to drink while
they're here, buy anti-malaria medicines for any of the team who
did not get them in the USA (they're cheaper here if you don't
have medical insurance to cover the cost at home), exchange
dollars for shillings, have a good meal, and go by the office of the
Kampala Foursquare Gospel Church so they can meet Greg
Fisher and other church leadership. Oh yes, and we must work
out a system for telephone communication for while they're here,
and often emails need to be sent. Families always must be
notified of the visitors' safe arrivalSo Monday we did all these things, plus one more. Recently
Hannington Serugga, director and founder of SEVO, was
approached about a marine rescue program for Lake Victoria,
considered to be one of the most dangerous lakes in the world in
terms of loss of life. There is no rescue system whatever from
any of the 3 nations that share this world's 2nd largest
freshwater lake. Sudden violent storms combine with overloaded
boats, and crocodiles, to make for an unknown number of
fatalities every year.SEVO has not had any water or fire rescue training yet, so
we knew that the timing of this training seminar being given by
Greg, Phil and Mike was very timely. Greg had been
communicating by email with one of the directors of the
embryonic marine rescue project called National Lake Rescue.
NLR has been struggling for 4 years to try to establish an
emergency rescue and medical system for the lake, but has
been totally lacking the medical/rescue aspect. So Greg had
asked to take a couple of hours to meet with the NLR director, a
South African man who's lived in Uganda since 1999.So the guys went with Hannington and Pastor David Kasule
for this impromptu meeting. The meeting was electrifying as they
learned that the director of this NLR has much the same type of
vision that we of SEVO have, to educate and train people in
basic first aid and rescue to save the many lives that are so
needlessly lost from lack of any kind of emergency medical
service. And the man had been terribly discouraged, going to
work every day, feeling like a child being forced to go to school
when he hates school. Just this morning he'd gotten on his
knees, crying out to God for some sort of encouragement… and
then Greg called him to set up this meeting this afternoon!All this fits with the sense of excitement all of us have had
leading up to this 10 day SEVO training seminar. We would
appreciate your upholding this ministry in prayer as we work to
reach and teach people in both medical and spiritual knowledge.
Here is a brief outline of our schedule so you can be praying for
each day, starting Tuesday, November 1st. Remember that
Ugandan time is 11 hours ahead of Pacific Standard Time.Tues/Wed: Training in organizational management for the
SEVO local and national program, to help to ultimately establish
a national Emergency Medical System.Thursday: Official opening of SEVO rally, with dignitaries
present. Two day rally begins with SEVO members reenacting
rescues they've done, which will be a teaching platform for Greg,
Phil and Mike. In the evening, the Jesus film will be shown.Friday: Second day of the rally, with the Passion of the Christ
film being shown in the evening.Sat./Sun: I will take the 3 guys for a getaway weekend, to be
spent at the Source of the Nile River and visiting a few tourist
sites. We will worship at Kampala Foursquare Church, returning
to Luweero Sunday evening.Monday thru Thursday afternoon: Advanced training of about
30 of SEVO trainer/leaders. They will be divided up into 2
groups, according to their areas of personal interest, one
continuing on with Phase 3 of the emergency rescue services,
the other receiving training in marine rescue to be able to work
with and train members of National Lake Rescue. A third group
will be composed of 5 medical doctors and 2 nurses who will be
trained in advanced life support and trauma care, in order to
provide follow-up care for accident victims rescued by SEVO
members.The Jesus film and the Passion will be shown again two
nights at Pastor David's church nearby.God says in Hosea, chapter 4, verse 6, "… my people are
destroyed from lack of knowledge." The context of this verse is
God speaking against the sins of ancient Israel. And yet I've
seen the truth of this statement in spiritual and other ways, even
today. People in Uganda are dying from lack of education, from
lack of medical knowledge, from lack of political knowledge, lack
of economic knowledge, as well as from lack of spiritual
knowledge.Please pray for those of us who are attempting to bring
knowledge to hungry people in all of these areas of need, from a
grass-roots level.Margaret Nelson
Hannington in his SEVO vest and a Muslim
lady reading to an audience the story of the Good Samaritan.
SEVO rescue drama.
SEVO members carrying off a mock victim on homemade stretcher.